Saturday, August 3, 2013

A light in the darkness

God's light (Jesus) shines into the darkness of the world but the world does not understand. We are sent to be witnesses, testifying concerning God's light so that the world might understand and believe. For us to truly bring God's light to the communities and people we seek to reach, we must believe and live a life that reflects and re-presents the light of God. 

This doesn't mean to live a life of striving, of trying to do it out of our own strength and works. It means that we yield every part of our life to Him, passionately pursuing Him. It means reading His Word, soaking it in. Listening to Him speak through ancient, yet living, flowing and life-bringing words. It means spending intentional time in prayer. Acknowledging Him as the source and giver of everything you need. 

If you're a do-er like I am, prayer can sometimes feel like it's the thing you do before you get down to the real work. You know, you pray, you talk to God, you ask Him to do His thing, you say Amen, and then you go about figuring things out for yourself, making your plans, strategizing, working, striving. 

Here's the thing though, prayer is never wasted. The more time we spend with God, the closer we are with Him, and the greater results we will see in our lives. No wasted steps, no stress. In the place of prayer, intimacy grows. In the place of prayer, He reveals divine strategy. In the place of prayer, strongholds come down. In the place of prayer, chains are broken. In the place of prayer, freedom comes. In the place of prayer, the very storehouses of heaven are opened and the wealth of the wicked is released. In the place of prayer, we are filled with His light, set on fire to burn bright in the dark of this world.

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